All personal care to include assistance with getting in and out of bed, washing, bathing, using the shower, toileting, dressing and undressing, hair, skin and denture care and shaving with an electric razor. Your care plan may also require assistance with incontinence management, catheter and stoma care. The Care worker will upon direction of the Care Plan provide assistance in the giving of medication in accordance with the Care Quality Commission's Medication Policy. The application of skin creams and eye drops the brushing and combing of hair, assistance with filing of nails for both hands and feet.
Care 4 u is fully aware of its responsibilities to you in connection with all matters relating to health and safety. Care workers receive initial and ongoing training to assist you with moving and handling. At times, we also assist the Service User in a planned programme of exercises and activities under the direction and training of the physiotherapist. The giving of any injections and dressing of wounds is the responsibility of the District Nurse. The Care worker will keep a careful record of the medication that has been given to you and these records, together with other information are retained in a folder in your home.
There are occasions when it is necessary to hold a key in order to gain access to your property and Care 4 u operates a key holding policy and procedure in these circumstances. You or your representative will be asked to sign an authorisation form giving permission for the Care worker to hold your house key. This will be retained in the key holders register in the office. The key will be returned to you or your representative at any time and you will be asked to sign and date a form accordingly. It may be that keycodes are required to be given to the carers, should this be the case the carers will fill in a form and it will be kept on the service user file.
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